
Showing posts from January 17, 2009

what a tiring day!!!!!!!

today lorhhs............... sch end @ 12.30 then must go eat lunch already........ then we had 2 change in2 our jersey . even hair must tie up- no fringes <>, no headbands, no clips.....then in the end we look like some punks... hahas we look so funny lorhh..... but of course we lost to tkss but 30 jan have 2 compete wif st. hilda's sec..... on 18,19,28 must hav training 4 hours lorhh. 1st 2 hrs every1 start complaining............ and our coach asked all of us 2 avoid fast food! WHAT THE HELLLLLL!!! but you noe what my senior say? she said that ignore her and eat as much as we want.... hahas....... i agree wif her. my friend say: " ask your maid cook slower ." hahax......