
Showing posts from December 4, 2009
YO! today nothing to do yesterday went to Bras Besar to buy books very cheap very kiasu very cheap went to Popular after that bought lots of books tooo BLEH..... wednesday had netball started at 7.30 run 4 rounds 'round the sch coach TALK TALK TALK lectured us bot the 2 friendly matches we had the previos day then we did ball drills using a 3kg ball like for 3h... ( 6 catches- front, right, left, loped , shooting 10 per grp, shooting 2 per person, catches in a cirlcle) then FINALLY, court games 1st we used that 3 kg ball, then followed by netball FINALLY, the netball like so DAMN light lorhh NVM bot that, the coach kept on SCOLDING, SCREAMING, SHOUTING CRAZY LIAO!!!!!! anyways bye... will update u next wk :]