Late night deep thoughts

This week has been nothing short of assignments, irritating admin matters and tiredness from school work. Comparing to others, I'm pretty lucky that I only have 3 core mods this sem and not too busy compared to the hell in Sem 1. With procrastination at its best, I had only 2 days to complete my assignment instead of utilizing the 6 weeks I had. Bad decision but cycle will just repeat itself. On one side trying to complete my assignments, I had to deal with so many problems arising from Hall Prod LOA from school. The worst is having to travel the whole school to each individual schools to submit the different forms. This is crazy- travelling to all the schools in NTU (FML). Just a little throwback to last weekend's Road Relay. YAY we got 4th but we fell short of being 3rd with just 35 seconds. Suddenly, I felt that I could be the burden in the group because if I had run faster, we might have gotten 3rd instead :(. It's depressing to think about it, but I'm still gla...