
Its been so long since I have been updating my blog! So many things have happened, be it good or bad. Currently, I'm doing my internship which is really tiring, long working hours and having to deal with different types of people everyday! Recently my results were released. I don't know if I should say I am an epitome of luck or a result of hard work. I would say its both. As many seniors have mentioned, when your gpa in Year 1 is really bad, it is really hard to pull it up for the subsequent semesters. However, I managed to pull up my overall cgpa by 0.7, which took lots of luck and perseverence. I hope I serve as a motivation to many others who might think that their grades are hopeless. I finally believe that hard work prevails. (: Training this week was like heaven. I made new friends and got a good break from work! Work resumes tomorrow and I am already dreading it. Hope all will be well, with 5 more weeks left to survive WOOHOO 🎉🎉🎉...