Just ended my interview this morning. I left Hall too early and ended up being there 45 mins early. It was quite nerve-wrecking before the interview started and I was quite hungry by the time I reached the office :(. Things didn't turn out as what was expected and the department that I was interviewing for couldn't get the duty manager to interview in time and instead, I interviewed for another position in another department. [What went wrong: I stumbled on my words while trying to explain myself. And the answers I gave wasn't even what I wanted to say.] Yet, it was quite an enriching experience this morning despite things not going as planned. Through the interview, I learnt more about the hotel industry and how much hard work and patience is required to climb the corporate ladder. It is also stereotyped to be one of the lowest paying industry and of course, this had me sit back for a moment to re-think about whether I was going to stay in this industry for a long tim...