Mid-week November thoughts

Image result for life Image result for life

It's been a while since I blogged and feeling a little down today, I've decided that I should pen down  my thoughts.

Just realised I'm long overdue from my Chiang Mai Trip post so I shall do it up ASAP. Also, recently been back from Taiwan, and with all these memories still fresh in my mind, I shall do a separate write-up on the trip as well.

Back to the reason why I decided to blog today, so many great things happened over the course of 4 months. Mostly great and awesome, but with the year ending soon, I am starting to feel a little sentimental, especially with all the great moments spent at work (ironically). Although my current internship has created so many fantastic memories to date, I can't help but lose a bit of steam with the recent spate of events. Now that Dec is approaching, it has finally dawned  upon me that I should start looking for a grad job, and start planning my school timetable... So many thoughts going through my head right now, but most overwhelmingly, its the sentimental side of me that is starting to crank up, and it shouldn't.

Time to cherish the remaining time I have in 2017, as well as the remining 1 month at work. The workaholic side of me can't seem to stop working, but I think it's time for me to start decelerating the workaholic engine and embrace a little of freedom and flexibility in my life, while I still have a shot at it.

Need to start looking for something to look forward to, otherwise life is going to be a slow and endless journey, with no pitstop in sight.

Gonna write up on my post-Chiang Mai and -Taiwan trip thoughts soon. Hopefully.



  1. idk u will read my comment or not, but i love the way u tell ur stories. and i hope u will have better life. big love from Indonesia!

    1. Hi, i have read! Thank you and good luck to yours too! :)


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