Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016

It has been so long since I've posted here on my blog! I think its really a good idea to blog because I am able to relate the day's happenings and my thoughts and feelings! Having no time is just an excuse. Being lazy is just another reason.

And yet, procrastination took the best of me once again. SO many things to do, but its already 31st Dec 2015, and I have not completed a single task of what I was supposed to do during the Dec holidays. I've got my internship resume and CV to do up; I've got the Singapore Footprints website to revamp; I've got Korean and Javanese language which I planned to self-study on my own, and yet failed to do so.

However, Dec was really packed this year because I went Indonesia for 9 days, and straightaway, I literally camped in hall every weekday because of the Inter-Hall Games (IHG). And with that, I've neglected many of my friends, and didnt get the chance to meet 2 groups of friends. I've also realized how much I've drifted away from alot of my friends. Being busy is not excuse, and that we kinda drifted apart, it has been really awkward. I hope things will get better! And I should really make an effort to talk more to my other friends.

And to sum my IHG games in Dec, it has been relatively smooth-sailing but the next few matches are gonna be really TOUGH & hard to overcome. Being able to overcome these strong building blocks would mean that we have overcome our limits and set new heights for ourselves. And softball has played a major part of my Dec and I'm slowly getting used to the slow pitch battings which I terribly sucked at it. I will do up a collage of the softball IHG 15/16 when my season is over but I hope it doesnt end soon. As for netball, I really need to beef up my shootings and finding space because it is my weakness.

It's getting really long so I will just list some of my new year's resolution for 2016.

1. Keep in touch & catch up with old friends
2. Start doing up CV and resume before school starts
3. Increase my CGPA
4. Improve on my language abilities
5. Lose some weight

I really needa start blogging because I need to pen down the encouraging and happy moments of my life for the darker days are looming ahead of me. Whatever it is, I hope that GOD will watch over me and guide me, even when the whole world abandons me.


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