
Time flies really fast as its nearing the end of January and Week 3 of school. IHG hasn't ended yet and me, being a terrible procrastinator, have not yet started on my projects. 3 projects to start on and I can't even get myself to do it. Sighpie. I need someone to scold me OMG. And I forgot I have a tour to conduct on Sunday (Please do check us out on Singapore Footprints)! :D 

Regretably, I should have went to seek treatment for my feet the other time I injured it. Now, the pain keeps coming back after trainings or competitions. Am I growing old soon? :( Just ended track training at 12am. Yes, it was really tiring but I enjoyed that sense of satisfaction when completing the runs despite being so physically drained. I hope things will turn out well this Sat and be able to break my personal record! 

In less than 16 hours, Netball IHG against Hall 9 will commence and I'm pretty nervous right now. I saw the recorded video of the match and there's so much I can improve on, such as interceptions, being more alert as to where the ball will travel to. Another bane are my shoes because I bought half a feet size bigger and it kinda felt like it was gonna fly off anytime during the match. 

Things to do complete tomorrow:
1. Fac Mgt Project 
2. POM Ethics Assignment
3. GC0001 online lectures (as much as I can)
4. Continue LOA email

Just a few days ago, I realized that I indeed do have readers of my blog. To those who are reading this, thank you for finding your way here and I hope my blog has been rather interesting!

Side note, I finally started cooking pasta again. Glad that my skills improved as it tasted better than last time. 

Eyes drooping now, and brain shutting down. Shall turn in soon! Good Night! :)


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