It's week 2 but i'm dying

SOCIAL SUICIDE. A very apt word to use. Credits to Lynn for that word and that's what I have been committing these past few weeks. Well, it's not as bad as all the upcoming workload to settle and the most intense IHG games that has yet to come. Didn't realize I committed another social suicide just on Fri Night. I have no idea what happened but it was by accident that I had to send a wrong pic to the wrong chat. But whatever, I'm quite done with this bullshit. Got so many things on my mind, that the craze over my EC is falling to the bottom ranks. Nevertheless, thankful for the stupid and interesting chase of my EC which provided me with a break from the hell of work. Time to do some damage control by re-building my reputation as a cool person HAHA!

This coming week is gonna be one hell of a hectic week. TOTALLY not looking forward to it although it's starting tmr. Got more incoming work to do, got to re-think about whether I wanna re-join basketball, got to prep for coming WED interview, got to take time trials for Road Realy, got to compete in NETBALL AND TRACK IHG. SO many things to do I can't even rmb what and where I'm supposed to start from. Sometimes, it's so hard to keep track everything that my head feels like it will explode anytime soon :(

Nevertheless, I guess one interesting event that will light up my week would be the basketball match tomorrow and Hall event on Wed.

SIGHPIE I miss primary and secondary school days when life was so easy and so carefree.

This year could be the year of Recession so needa start saving up my money too :( Annd hopefully it will be easier to get my internship before the recession hits the tourism and hospitality industry very badly.

Needa a break from all these work but I guess have to complete them today.

Motto of the day: "Go Big, or Go Home"


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