Saturday is a NUA day?

Today is a Saturday. Although it's a break-from-school day, I haven't started on my list-to-dos. I'm so screwed; not sure if I'm even ready for school yet. My first class presentation starts next wed and I haven't even started on it, but thankfully it's group project. Need to start soon, and MUST complete by tonight [*Goal of the day*].

Today while cleaning up the house, I found something that really brought back lots of memories and so much more motivation.

Track is just one week away and to be honest I'm pretty nervous right now because we haven't took a proper time trial and I have no idea where I should improve on. :/ My previous personal time trial was pretty bad but I really had no idea why. Perhaps I just didn't do my best that morning. Nevertheless, I'm so determined to hit below 1 mins 20 secs for 400m (I'm most probably running that distance) and even set a new personal best. And road relay is another headache, hopefully I will overcome it well.

Just yesterday, I went back to Twitter and saw last post which was almost one year ago. And 1 year ago, it was a really terrible year. I couldn't adjust to the fast-paced uni life in Sem 1 and screwed up really badly. And partly because I was quite distracted by a certain person and a certain problem. Sem 2 was the after-effect of the problems created in Sem 1 and that huge amount of motivation to get up and do better. I realized how angst I was but I'm really glad I overcame that 1 disastrous year and became a much more stronger person. Of course, still not that mentally strong yet but I believe that this one whole year of obstacles will mould me into an ironwoman HEH :P

Of course, I had a good start to the year, met up with my sec school besties, completed 2 IHG games into quarters, of course next season's goal is to the semi-finals. And my EC came over to support the softball game & netball game, of course, not coming for me but it was still nice to see him and so many others coming down to support the games. Then, school started and I'm in the same class as my friends for almost all classes, so I hope it will be a very enjoyable sem 2. Netball IHG started off well too, despite our loss. But it was a good fight and we almost won, so I believe our team has some potential. And Bball guys got into semis, hopefully into Finals too, then Champs WOOHOO! :)

To end off, I have refined some of my goals to be accomplished in 2016.

1. Lose weight (very important)
2. Pick up Korean and Javanese language
3. Hone my softball skills
4. Learn a new sport before I graduate from IHG
5. Increase my CGPA by 0.5 (HAVE to work damn hard on this)
6. Catch up with old friends that I haven't been talking or seeing much of lately (Trudy, Zarifah, Jillian, Dom, Farizah, Xin Ying, Zhi Wei, Sentinel OG, Ceffyl freshies)
7. Make more new and valuable friends in Hall and in School
8. To become a better person - more mature, not to be too affected by my surroundings
9. Secure a Semester internship for Y3S2

Have to get started with my assignments, so signing off now.
- Christine


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