When the going gets tough, the tough gets going

[Post: 14 Jan]

Today was a relatively good day!

The day started off with me waking up to run and train my fitness. Sadly to say, my intervals timing was really bad and it didn't seemed to improve from the previous day! :( Nevertheless, I have decided that I will wake up early on later in the morning to go for another round of personal training. My goal is to hit 1min 20sec for 400m and maximum 11mins for 2.4km.

Afterwards, I went to school and collected my textbooks and at the same time, I received good news. A hotel called me up for an interview for an internship. Although it kind of sounded like cheap labour, I guess it's better than nothing! I hope I will ace the interview and be offered an opportunity as an intern. And I still need to continue sending more emails for more opportunities, and also touch up on my resume and cover letter which kinda suck alot.

Next I had Career Foundations II. The class wasnt that bad, just that I bought a really big skirt and had a time with it :( And its $39.90:((( Nevertheless, there was this kind-of-cute guy at my table HAHA but he seems like he has a big ego. Yet, he was quite friendly and so easy to talk to. But thats just about it.

In the evening, Solo, Mary and I went to SRC to support basketball guys but because the match was pushed back, we played softball for awhile with Adel and Wen Ying. It was really SHIOK to bat once again and I could feel the sense of satisfaction when I hit a damn good ball. Few things I definitely need to work on: My throwing posture, throwing accuracy, speed and distance. Some stuff to work after I complete all my IHG games. I kinda skipped road relay to watch the basketball match and felt really bad, but oh well, I trained in the morning so I guess its ok for me not to go for training at night??? Sometimes, I wonder why Im doing all this even though its not my forte or my interest.:(

Back to the eventful day, the basketball guys won the match easily and YAY our hall is finally for basketball and for something, after losing our seeded position for Hockey Females and Takraw. Hopefully the guys will do well, and as usual, I had a feast for my eyes. Shall not say who but I can't believe he can still look so handsome playing basketball despite all the shagness and the aggressiveness during the game. Kuddos to them for their hard work, commitment and teamwork. I wish more teams were like them, talented and still so hardworking. Hopefully they will win the championship title WOOHOO! :)

There will be netball training tmr, but I shall go shop around for CNY clothes before training. When I think of netball, my throws are weak, not accurate and I get tired so easily. Hopefully I will become better over the next few games.

Time to crash in bed now because I will have to wake up early in the morning to train for running again. Lets hope that all my hard work will materialize into results soon! :)

Signing off,
Christine (Black)


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