Pressure Cooker

Life is like a transaction taking place- with so many trade-offs.

These few days has been rather busy and hectic. Can't wait to get over and done with for tomorrow. Feeling a little nervous for tomorrow's interview with RWS and yet on the same day, I have a Korean test too! :( I'm not sure which should I focus on more.

Road Relay is just next weekend and I don't think I'm ready for the race yet. Gotta watch my diet during CNY, be consistent on my morning runs and more strength training. THIS IS THE LAST LAP, and the last time I'm gonna be crazy and take part in such an event again. THE FINAL PUSH is pretty scary 'cos the moment you give it all, there is no more turning back. You just endure till the end, and it's gonna be like that even on the track. THAT CRAZY LAST LAP where you just sprint to the finishing line because the end is so near.

The past few days of matches left a bitter-sweet feeling for me. I learnt the importance of team dynamics and camaraderie, and the sense of achieving a common goal together as a team. Every member is a contributing factor, regardless of in their own ways. And yesterday was a glorious and happy moment because Hall 10's basketball guys won the CHAMPS! :) I don't think I missed any of their matches since the start of the first game. It's like watching a journey filled with ups and downs and really, the perseverance and of course their skills, had me in awe. I just felt happy that our Hall won. Hard work definitely beats talent.

Been neglecting my work, my family and my friends alot. Sometimes I wonder why I decided to join so many things, but this is not the time to regret any decision. The long road is ending soon and I have to just push myself for that ONE FINAL LAST LAP! LET'S GO!


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