Weekends feels like weekdays

The weekend was really hectic I could hardly breathe. And yet, the upcoming busy week looks equally daunting as well.

Track Finals was held on Sat in which it took up my whole morning but I would say, it left a huge impact and memory for many years to come because I experienced the true meaning of fighting spirit. Being the last runner of the 4x400m event, there was tremendous pressure on me because firstly, I didn't really liked being the last runner and secondly, I was supposed to overtake someone. While we didnt start off well during the event, as I took off with the baton being the last runner, all that came to my mind was to finish the race and at least, shorten the gap. Never did I expect after 300m, i managed to catch up with this runner and it was really challenging to overtake her because I was pretty tired at the end. Naturally, she sped up as well but this little voice in me told me to overtake her. And yes, I looked like I was in pain and thankfully I managed to overtake her at the finishing line, just 0.1sec faster than her. I guess this will be something for me to remember for many years to come. Overall we did well and congrats to 4x800m for coming in 4th.

Then I had to rush off to shower, change and head off to Tamp for our Japan Trip Meeting. Thankfully it got pushed back to next year because I can't even squeeze in a holiday this year (THIS IS CRAZY). Then my errands begun. Had to buy an extra white blouse, passport photo, photocopy all my certs. But it was a good catch up seshhh, eating nitrogen ice cream and catching up Ren Jie who MIA-ed since he booked in. Finally reached home and managed to spent some time talking to my mum. :)

Today (Sunday) was equally busy. Got started on my project but no one replied so I guess we'll have to chiong tomorrow after class! :/ And then I had to go off for my tour. It was a tiring but fulfilling one today and glad we all became really comfortable in our speeches! (maybe we can become experts next time? 😌) Didn't really do much work at home too 'cos had to settle and update FB page, websites OMG, continue sending out applications for internships etc.

So not prepared for this week but let's get through it well. To the start of Februray, to the start of a better month ahead :)


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