It's been long since I posted something over here. Thank God the craze has died down and when I look back, I really thought I was crazy. Nevertheless, it added a bit of spice to my boring life.

Can't believe that finals is once again knocking at my door and I felt like I have not studied over the past 8-9 weeks. I'm so screwed :(. Need to get my engine started like sooon, and I hope I will really start soon. The past few busy weeks with so many events happening created a thought in my head- FEAR. As I tried to recollect the pieces of my life, I realized that FEAR is something that has been engulfing my will and enthusiasm to do anything.

As everyone might have experienced painful memories somewhere along your life, some were able to step out of it, while others are still struggling to get over the pain. I belong to neither because I fall under both. Fear has so many aspects and my fears are no different.

Fear- i would say in my opinion, is a test, but it can also destroy you if you are unable to deal with it. And I do not mean fear of cockroaches, insects etc. They don't destroy you that much. What I mean is the social fear that has inflicted certain painful memories or memories you don't really want to remember.

I won't say what fears I have but people said I changed. I looked tired everyday, and I really look unhappy. Well, I will have to agree with that. Everyone has their demons and I hope everyone are fighting against them. I hope I, too, will be able to overcome all the demons inside me, and find greater trust in people and in relationships.


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